Searching for Products or Suppliers

There are a number of screens in Tourplan NX where a selection must be made before continuing. In other words, an existing product or supplier (and sometimes both) must be chosen before further progress can be made within a particular screen.

A common example is Add Supplier Information, where the supplier must first exist before any additional information can be added.

NOTE: Refer to About the Tourplan-NX Menu for more information about how Tourplan NX menus work.

Retrieve a Supplier or Product

  1. NOTE: On some screens, the Supplier field is labelled Creditor.
  2. Search for the supplier or product to retrieve. There are four search options, two for a supplier and two for a product (locating a product automatically includes its supplier). Each of these search options is described in the steps below (the first option in step 2 a and the second option in step 4).
    1. Retrieve a supplier by entering characters in the Supplier field and using the drop-down list.

      This is the quickest option if you know all or part of the supplier name. Enter some characters in the Supplier field and select from the drop-down list - the scrollable list adjusts to show entries containing those characters.

      This example shows the list of suppliers returned (from the Product Database used for the user manuals) when season is entered into the Supplier field and the drop-down clicked.

      The list starts with the first supplier that has "season" anywhere in the supplier name (not case-sensitive). If more suppliers are returned than can be displayed, scroll up or down to find the supplier to retrieve.

    2. Retrieve a supplier using the Supplier Search screen.

      This example shows a blank Supplier Search screen, which is displayed when you click the Search for Supplier icon.

      NOTE: The Advanced section is expanded in this screenshot (click + to expand and - to collapse). Also, the Search button is dimmed-out until at least one field contains data (excluding the check-boxes).

      On the Filter tab, enter information in any of the available fields to refine search criteria (i.e. reduce the number of suppliers returned). The following screenshot shows two criteria: (1) season entered into the Supplier Name Contains field and (2) check-box Show Deleted? checked:

      Suppliers matching the search criteria are returned in the Results tab - click on the supplier to open.

  3. Retrieve a product by entering characters in the Product field.

    This is the quickest option if you know all or part of the product code. Enter the first few characters of the product code in the Product field and click the Search for Product icon - a list of products is returned in the Product Find screen.

    NOTE: The Product Code is described fully in the Product User Manual, Chapter 3 Creating Products.

    This example shows the list of products returned (from the Product Database used for the user manuals) when W is entered into the Product field and the search icon clicked.

    The list starts with the first product code beginning with W in the Location column. Click Prev to show the products immediately prior in the list (these will not start with W) and click Next to show the next set of products (these may or may not start with W).

  4. Retrieve a product using the Product Search screen. On the Selection tab, enter information in any of the available fields to refine search criteria (i.e. reduce the number of products returned). There are four main criteria: Service Category, Location, Supplier and Code - selecting or entering text in any of these fields enables the Search button.

    You can also check Include Deleted Products, which includes in the results returned those products in the Product Database that are flagged as deleted.

    The Product Search screen works in a different way from entering a partial product code. Comparing this example with the previous example, there might be multiple locations beginning with W and one of these locations would need to be selected - on this screen, it is not possible to show all products at all locations starting with W.


    This example shows a blank Product Search screen, which is displayed when you click the Search for Product icon.

    The default selection for Service category is All Services. Location and Supplier are drop-down list selection fields and Code allows entry of up to six characters (the last part of a full product code).

    The following screenshot shows three criteria: (1) Accommodation selected as the Service Category, (2) AKL-Auckland chosen for Location and (3) CLAA01-Citylife Auckland chosen for Supplier:

    Click the green Search button and products matching the search criteria are returned in the Results tab - click a product to open it in the Product Setup screen.

  5. Click, Search or the Results Tab.

  6. Click on a Product to open.

  7. If retrieving a supplier only, it will already be displayed in the Product Setup screen when selected from the drop-down list or returned results.

    Clearing the Product Setup screen

    When retrieving a supplier, there is no product selected, so the Product field will be empty. Further, the header section is not dimmed-out; it would seem that you can select a new supplier at any time, however, you should always click Exit to clear the Product Setup screen before selecting another supplier.

  8. If retrieving a product, click the line item for the product in the Product Find or Product Search screen to show the Product Details tab on the Product Setup screen (the tabs available depend on the product, but typically include Price Rules, Policies, FOC Details and Voucher as well as Product).

    NOTE: In this case, there is a product selected and the header section is dimmed-out (i.e. read-only). To chose another product, you must first exit the currently-displayed product, which effectively clears the screen, ready for a new product search. To select another Supplier, you must exit the product, then exit the supplier.